Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Love you.... but made of trash

This is a card that I made for Kirti and Kiran with the remains of a pencil when it’s sharped. I remember doing cards back when I was a child with my lovely sister Uma, wanted to show the girls the creative side of me and sure enough it got back fired ;)

I was very happy with the outcome of my card, excited to give my babies. When I saw Kiran I showed her the card…..”This is for you baby, amma love you”. Kiran looked at the card and said “its nice amma… but this is made of trash”. I was shocked by her reaction and said “but you see what amma has written on it..” Kiran said “ yea that is why I said I love it… but it’s still made of trash” well I left it with that thought and did not want to push it more.

Kirti is there at home and I show her the card, her reaction was very welcoming “amma this is fantastic, I love it, you’re so sweet to make such a beautiful card, and I did not know you could do stuff like this….. “She when on and on. Kiran it’s doing her best to make Kirti realise that it’s made of trash but kirti is not prepared to listen. Then I told Kirti about Kiran’s reaction and kirti said that was rude of her and was trying to explain to Kiran. Kiran’s final take was “I love the card and it’s beautiful…… buuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt it’s made of trash”

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kirti finishing her year 1. November 2012

Well there were twice she was bullied and I had to go to school, Kirti seem to be a submissive type as I always ask her to forgive all the wrong doing of Kiran. I guess its my mistake corrected myself and now I ask Kirti to scold Kiran if she makes mistakes and tell her why she should not do it. Things seems to be falling in place and Kirti is excited for everything and anything, the entire year had so many things that every day I get back to listen to stories. Once of her recent exciting stuff was she winning a medal at school on her sports day; when she left home she kissed me bye and told me “I will do my best and get a medal” I was hoping and praying like mad she gets a medal as she was really expecting one. To her strong intention and my prayers (I guess) all the students in the class are given medal so the little heart did not shatter.
Should Kirti default in things Pravin will trigger me and her saying that “tomorrow you need to wear tracks… make sure u take the exercise book to school….bring your colouring set…ect”
Suddenly along the way I realize so many things that have become a routine … she never leaves to school without kissing me good bay and say love you mama when she leaves to school. I write love notes on her home-works books and she writing back some notes for me. Making me feel happy by doing her best in her school and tell me that she will do her best and make me proud. After small achievements she asks me “are u proud of me mama??”.

All that she does at school will be watched by Pravin, the days Pravin does not make it to school Kirti has a tough time handling herself. She says “no one to look after me after school until get into aunty Jane’s car” thiru is always scared and to an extent he refuses to send Kirti to school when Pravins is on leave or holiday; well I prefer it too or else Thiru will make my life a living hell as me to call her teacher… call the school get ms. Jane go to school early call home oh dear never ending calls and trouble.
It’s her last days of the term and Kirti has to return her books and she is happy that her cousin Trisha will be join her the next term at school.
Kirti always makes me feel happy and excited about things in life.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Kiran’s second year at Kindergarten

Kiran has been a good girl for the first year, the second year seemed a bit hard as she had to go alone to kindy as Kirti started her academics at school. Kiran’s favorite teacher is “teacher Nistha” she teaches her math at school.
Kiran did not want to go to school for a week kept making fuss and crying like mad to go to school. I was worried may be the environment at school is bad and she does not like things there; I drove her to school one day and spoke to the teachers there and I realized that there was this guy called “asraf” he speaks loud and kiran is so very scared of him and I spoke to boy and told them to be friends and from that day onwards Kiran went school happily.
One day she came home with a pinch mark on her cheek, I asked kiran what happened and she said that it was one of her classmate “Malisa” she pinched her. I was worried called the teacher and they did not know about it. When the teacher asked Malisa she said …”If I had pinched her it as to be pink why is it balck???” (it was the next day soo it turned black). Kiran told her “you pinched me and don’t tell a lie” when the teacher passified for the truth from both. Malisa did pinch Kiran and she apologized to Kiran. After a few week I visited the teacher and Malisa came running to me and said “aunty I say sorry to Kiran so many times but she don’t want to be friends with me”. I was surprised when I asked Kiran she told me “Malisa told pinched me lied to me sooo I never want to be friends with her anymore” well I could not change her feelings to malisa but I remind Kiran that when people say sorry we must accept it and forgive them well she said “Sorry no cure” man oh man she used these words in the right context that I was taken aback…. I then choose my words carefully especially when Kiran is around she is such a parrot and I have to say wise cute parrot.

Kiran keeps so much to herself and she can pull real surprises. Being the last one always gets the best of all from cousins and grandparents, whatever she say’s stays… have to convince her into doing things.

Kiran was being secretive about her dance in the concert it was a total surprise to see her on stage, she was wonderful with smiles. She performed "Crazy Frog Dance" most adorable.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Singapore trip

Our first visit to Singapore with the entire family Kirti Kiran their grand parents and us. Kirti and Kiran were excited and their entire school knew that they were going to Singapore. Since Thiru promised them about the trip and the girls believe that if appa makes a promise he will keep it unlike amma.  So it was a great experience for them and our first outing with Jadish (thiru’s friend) his wife and a daughter. It was great fun we all could get along well and the girls loved it.
We stayed at Park royal , the highlight of the visit is universal studio and the girls enjoyed it the max.  The place was wonderful and so many things to cover in a single day, it was sunny and open air dear luckly we were dressed right. Most of the rides were good well even we adults enjoyed the trip. Then came the souvenir part both the girls bought as much they could, well most of it I was not happy but the girls know it well “appa I want this…..” poofffff there the wish is granted.
We also managed to meet Bhuvan my best friend, I met her after 10 years although it was only a couple of hours it was great catching up with her and the family. Mukund  was a small boy like Kiran when I last saw him. Anand and Mukund were adorable and Bhuvan was as charming as how she was 13 years back.

Some of the pictures taken during the trip.

Friday, August 31, 2012

"I am 5 not 4 years anymore"....says Kiran

Kiran and me were watching TV, I was lazing and Kiran was running around half watching TV and playing we both were alone at home. Don’t remember the movie I was watching there came the kissing part since the remote control was far away from me I quickly closed her eyes. Kiran was soo very upset and she turned around and said “amma I am not 4 any more I am 5 years old” hahahahah all I did was laughed to add on to her bad feelings. I told her she needs to be big enough to watch things like that… she still did not like it with a sour face kept saying “I don’t want to talk to u”  hahaha

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kirti First day at School

Kirti has started her new journey in academic and I pray to GOD the he bestows courage and perseverance all through her academic career. She was very excited on the first day of school; the entire family was on their toes getting set and ready for the little princess. I love the way she looks in her uniform and her urge to learn more, I hope she carries the same attitude throughout her career. When I was a child I remember I was a super fantastic day dreamer even while I was studying I can easily stray away hope Kirti has not carried those part of the gene ;) Thiru is the smartest at home and hope she focuses to be like her father.
Her school starts at 7:00am and finishes at 1:05pm, although he finds it hard to wake up in the morning but after her shower she is all brisk and with lots of questions. I have told her that she has a build the practice of saying her prayers to God asking for courage, perseverance and protection before stepping out of the house and also recite Gayathri mantra in the morning.  Kirti waits for me to get back home in the evening to tell all her stories and the incidents that happened at school and they are all very interesting.
I specifically asked her to make Malay friends since she was so scared of not knowing the language, with a lot of assurance from me she managed to break the ice with one girl and yet to get more details on that; she got back home to say “mom u won’t believe this I made a new friend and guess what??? She is Malay” was excited about the whole idea.
Thiru and I were so worried about Kirti starting school and in God’s grace she seems to be al-right so far hoping that his continues. Kiran is a great fan and follower of Kirti and I keep reminding Kirti on this and that she has a set a very good example; Kirti has always been a good example except at times I got to correct her.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Trip to India in 2011

We left to India in the 2 Dec 2011, it was a splendid visit. This time I went with my lovely girls and it was even more blissful since they embraced India like the way I wanted them too. Especially Kirti being so expressive makes me feel so blessed in fact she wanted to say with Ranjan (my sister) for 6 more months. The weather was very favorable since it stopped raining since the day we set foot on my homeland until the very last day; it rain the last day for me to experience rain in India.

This visit was only to our village, dad’s land made me think of all the games and fun I had when I was as little as Kirti and Kiran; this time around I told them where I played, the trees I climbed, the fields I ran and grassed cows and buffalos over the school holidays. I remembered and managed to make some toys using the coconut trees leaves and the girls were so excited seeing toys made out of coconut leaves, it was an amazing thing for them.

My father in laws land that was greener and had paddy fields the girls got to play in the water had tender coconut tree they couldn’t contain themselves seeing the coconut plucked from the trees and manicured and given to them to drink J. Slept in on the roof top seeing the stars, I used to tell them about seeing stars and when I experience it with the girls it was wonderful. We had food on the “motta madi”(roof top)  there was no electricity over for a dinner so we brought the food upstairs and it was really fun.

The best of all was staying with my lovely little sister Ranjan, Akshita the princess and of course my brother-in-law Shan he is so sweet and nice. This visit was more meaningful than the previous visits I had a perfect picture with a complete family. I could see the love showered on the girls like the way I used to when ranjan was little, Kirti and ranjan shared the same intimate feelings as I shared with Ranjan; Kirti got so attached to ranjan that she wouldn’t want to come back. Kirti hugged Ranjan while I was carrying Akshita, I had tears as I had no heart to leave the little one; looking at me crying Kirti said “mom u see I too don’t know why but I feel like crying I feel very said to go” looking at her emotions Shan had no choice but to promise Kirti “I promise to visit you and will bring Akshita and Ranjan chiti next year”.

I miss the lovely food I had the weather and sweet smell of my country. The best part was there were many first time experiences for both the girls.

Finally the last day before I got back dad paid us a visit and it was really very touching “I miss him a lot and long to see him soon”.

We got back on 17Dec2011 it’s a sweet memory.

 Mom In law and kirti at Kadhirvel anna's house

 Lovely ranjan and the girls
 Handsome dad

 the toy I made using the coconut tree's leaves :)

 lovely father and mother in law... thiru missing in this pic

 the stuffed toy rajan bought for Kirti and Kiran